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The following photographs were taken on the opening day of the 2001 season.

The first picture is a view from the Monorail. The clearing for the station can be seen towards the back and to the left work on tunnel two has begun.

The end of the first tunnel underneath the monorail track. This is where the train will climb the lift hill.

The final turn on Nemesis and the two lift hill footers now in place.

A view of the area from near to the brake run of Nemesis. In the foreground the monorail support can be seen next to the hole.

The fence currently in place in in front of the SW5 area. A large sign dominates reading : 2002 - A new generation flying coaster, book your flight today! Notice that Beastly bites has gone!
A view from the Ripsaw Arcades. The area to the back is cleared for the station and the tunnel can be seen turning left.
Two more views from the monorail train, clearly showing the hole and clearing for the station.
Fence surrounding the site
Workmen climb Scaffholding in the first tunnel
A view of the hole and the monorail
The first tunnel, pictured from the hotel path, notice the scaffolding in the hole.
Another photo taken from the path in the gardens, leading to the hotel. The Nemesis train can be seen entering the brakes. Also notice the fence to the left: This is the fence restricting access to the site in Forbidden Valley.
A photograph taken from the Monorail train, which transports visitors into and out of the park. The shear scale of the project can be seen when looking at the size of the workmen.
The area which will house the the rides double station. Taken from the path leading to the parks hotel.
The same area, but taken from the Monorail.
The fence at the back of the picture is where the previous photograph was taken from.
The top left hand side of the picture is the final turn of Nemesis, further along underneath the Monorail a clearing in the trees can be seen, this is where the ride will decline down the first drop.
Work on tunnel 2 has begun, this will go through the large mound in between the site and the car park pictured at the start of this update.
A view of the car park behind the SW5 area, previous car park spaces have been covered with soil from the site.

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